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  • Hello Friends,

    For a while now whenever I try to use the Tools > Remove Locks command I receive the message:

    Something went wrong while trying to remove the locks!

    Naturally I looked for the source of this and found that this message was generated by the file /manager/processors/remove_locks.processor.php and edited it to dump the sql in addition to throwing this message.

    When I execute the sql directly on the DB it executes successfully. Any ideas why the php would fail when using the "Remove Locks" feature in the manager?

    Evo 1.0.6 (current release)
    Apache 2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
    PHP 5.3.2-1
    MySQL 5.1.63

    This question has been answered by tonkatrucker. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      Ok, I've figured out what was happening. This goes out to all those who may have run into this problem.

      Your database user must have privileges to DROP tables to be able to execute TRUNCATE statements.


      Case closed.

      [ed. note: tonkatrucker last edited this post 11 years, 6 months ago.]