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  • Hello all.
    I've been trying to achive this without success: I want the form inputs with either empty fields or wrong datatype to return with a red borderline. (this is to replace the "This is a required filed"default.

    I also dont get any error message when the form is submitted. really pulling my head with no straight documentation. I've tried hooks and output modifiers, without success.

    Will appreciate
      • 36724
      • 13 Posts
      Hi ojchris,

      to get Error Messages, you'll need the :required modifier in a validate options list (like

         &emailTo=`[email protected]`
         &successMessage=`Thanks for your message.`

      ) and you'll need a
      in your form template. If you wan't to have the error message, sth. like

      <span class="error">[[+fi.error.name]]</span>
      <label for="name">Your Name:</label>
      <input type="text" name="name" id="name"></input>

      would work.

      If you want just a red border instead of the error message, a q&d approach would be to use the error message as a class name on input fields and use css to apply the red border.
      • thanks Chris for your patient response.

        1) I already have most of your recom in place, the only thing I'm not getting is the red borderline I want.

        This morning before seeing your response I tried what you suggested but it turned out that the the error message inbuilt to be display thus: <span class="error">warning</span> (warning is the class I want to use in css to achieve the red line). So MODx by default has the '<span class="error">' around the message.

        What I did was to change the 'This is a required field' in the Lexicon Management to 'warning', which should have work except for the <span class="error"> script.

        If there is a way to eliminate <span class="error"> this would have been a victory.

        2) The error message I'm referring to is this:
        which is to be placed just before the <form> tag. When there is an error, nothing is display there. Not even an empty <p></p> tag.

        I would like to have something like 'Message failed. Highlighted field(s) below need attention.' when ever the form fails to submit as a result of form inputs.

        Thanks for helping
          • 36724
          • 13 Posts
          Oh, I see, the span is included in the error message as well.

          Now that is giving us a chance just using css (and loosing the IE6 on our way sad ):

          <style type="text/css">
          span.error~input{background-color: red !important;}


          <input type="text" name="name" id="name"></input>
          <label for="name">Your Name:</label>

          Now you don't have the span tags when there is no error but have them when there is one and this is used in the CSS3 ~ selector (supported by all mayor browsers except IE6 or older).

          On the other problem regarding the error_message: I don't know why it is empty but I'm seeing the same behavior here. Will dig into that as well.
          • I don''t get your reference of the span issue.
            Whant I want to achieve is this: introduce a 'warning' class to the input field when there is an error in the input like this:
            <input type="text" class="warning" />
            by having this
            <input typ="text" class="[[!fi.error.name]]" />

            Changing the 'this is a required field' in the Lexicon Management section of MODx to 'warning'only result in me having
            <input type="text" class="<span class="error">warning</span>" />
            • What you want to do can be accomplished by putting this in your input:

              <input type="text" [[!fi.error.name:notempty=`class="error"`]] />

              This adds the error class to the input field if there is an error.

              Hope that helps. [ed. note: benmarte last edited this post 11 years, 8 months ago.]
                Benjamin Marte
                Interactive Media Developer
                Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX
                • 36724
                • 13 Posts
                benmarte's solution is a fine idea that should be working for you.

                Just to elaborate on the idea with the ~ css selector (for anyone who wants to understand it): when you use the template as written above with the
                not wrapped in a span as this variable contains a span wrapper in itself, you'll have a

                <input ... >

                on your page if there is no error and a

                <span class="error">This is a required field</span>
                <input ...>

                if an error is thrown.



                css selector selects all input elements preceded by a span element with the class error. So this could be used as well to select all input elements preceded by an error message.

                • Chris and benmarte you have made my day. This has stalled my current project for almost two weeks. Wish there was a way to share a drink with you both electronically.

                  benmarte's idea worked, and it's one that I've on many threads that it doesn't work. So ignored it and was going round attempting other channels.

                  @Chris: now I understand. That css3 selector is going to be so stretched as we go. Yet to ungrade to HTML5 and CSS3. The solution is simply amazing!

                  Many thanks
                  • Glad you got it working, next time your stuck make sure you get on twitter and post a link to your forum post and use the hash tag #MODX you will get help faster that way.

                    If your not on twitter well then you should be wink

                    Happy modxing
                      Benjamin Marte
                      Interactive Media Developer
                      Follow Me on Twitter | Visit my site | Learn MODX
                    • yet to find a real need for twitter, but now I think I have.

                      One last issue with FormIt, is the overriding error message above the form:

                      This code only seems to display an error message when all validations have been passed but a technical itch beyond MODx occurs. In my case because I am working offline I got this "An error occurred while trying to send the email. Could not instantiate mail function."

                      Apart from the above, while the affected input fields are have red borderlines, I would like to see a situation where we can have this error message " 'Message failed. Highlighted field(s) below need attention.'" when an input validation failed.

                      I know I'm stretching MODx customization, but any idea on how to achieve this will be appreciated as always.
