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    thefutureforward Reply #31, 11 years ago
    Hello Bruno,

    I am trying to make a sub-migx TV that lives inside a parent MIGX TV into a multi-upload gallery. I've got this setup and the uploader works correctly, but when I click the "load from mediasource" button, it just creates empty rows without any values.

    I've successfully setup the multi-uploader before, so I'm wondering if something needs to be done differently when the configuration is applied to a child MIGX TV.

    Let me know!
      Nick Hoag
      Creative Partner
      The FutureForward

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      when you say in a parent MIGX TV, what is your mediasource - configuration then?
      Don't you need one file-directory for each MIGX-item then?

      Can you tell a bit more about your whole situation and your configurations?

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 23849
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        thefutureforward Reply #33, 11 years ago
        Hi Bruno,

        My setup is fairly simple: I have a homepage with a set of slideshows, where I randomly pull in one of the added slideshows and display it on each page load. So the user can add as many slideshows as they'd like, and it will randomly display one of them.

        So my parent migx TV allows for adding a new "slideshow set", (it's pretty simple with just a title and the sub migx TV specified) and then within each set you can add images via the sub migx TV (which is the one I am adding multi-upload to).

        Hopefully that's enough info, but let me know either way!
          Nick Hoag
          Creative Partner
          The FutureForward

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          but then all images are going to the same Resources's directory, right?

          Do you have multiple slideshow-sets on multiple pages or just at the Homepage?

          I think, I would set up a custom-table for the slideshow-sets, with the fields resource_id,title,images and use a MIGXdb-TV to manage the slideshow-sets and a MIGX-TV for the images inside the MIGXdb-TV.

          Than every slideshow-set can have its own directory with the slideshowset - record-id as the unique directory-name.
          I think you can use the migxObjectMediaPath - snippet in the mediasource to generate the dynamic path.

            you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


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            thefutureforward Reply #35, 11 years ago
            Hi Bruno,

            Thanks for the reply and suggestion. I think I follow but that sounds like it might be more than I need. I'm actually okay with all of the homepage images going inside one folder (and yes - they just appear on the homepage).

            So if I'm fine with just having all homepage images in one directory, is there a way to get this more simplistic setup to work?

            Let me know!
              Nick Hoag
              Creative Partner
              The FutureForward

              • 4172
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              I will try that out.

                you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                • 23849
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                thefutureforward Reply #37, 11 years ago
                Hey Bruno,

                Just checking in to see if you've had any luck with this in your tests. Let me know!
                  Nick Hoag
                  Creative Partner
                  The FutureForward

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                  I could try it now.
                  Have create a MIGX-TV and the mediasourse exactly as in the rtfm-tutorial, but did not add this TV to the template.
                  And created another MIGX-TV for the albumsets, which I added to the template.

                  The albumset-TV has this configuration (copied from MIGX-configurator-formtabs):


                  And its working.

                    you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                    • 19328
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                    Sorry for replying to an old topic, but I have a question regarding the multifileupload tutorial (http://rtfm.modx.com/extras/revo/migx/migx.tutorials/migx.use-resource-specific-mediasource-and-multifile-uploader)

                    I followed all the steps and everything is working, except I can't seem to change the contextmenu and columnbuttons. The contextmenu-buttons remain edit, duplicate and remove, no matter what I try. And I can only see the 'edit' column button but no other buttons that I have checked in the MIGX configurator screen. What could be the problem? Are these buttons set somewhere else?

                    Also there's a small thing in the tutorial I'm not getting. We create a new configuration with name 'resourcealbum', but the unique MIGX-id is 'resourcegallery'. In the TV we have to use 'resourcealbum' for the configurations field. I thought you had to use the unique MIGX-id for this?

                    Thanks for any help!
                      • 4172
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                      Not all of this settings for that buttons/contextmenues are working with a MIGX - grid, some of them are only working with a MIGXdb - grid.

                      You have allways to use the name, not the unique MIGX-id for the configurations-field.
                      The unique MIGX-id is only used internally for window- and form-ids, to be sure they are unique for every different form-window.

                        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

