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    • 14147
    • 26 Posts
    I'm creating a website for a local football club, which has a number of teams across a number of age groups. Therefore I have a tree structure for the age groups and have children resources below which are containers for the actual web pages.

    To simplify the menu side of things, each team has another tree structure which dictates the menu structure (shown below for clarification). Creating a new team is as simple as duplicating the parent container and then moving it to the suitable age group.

    I have noticed that a weblink resource which simply points to page 1, has been changed when it has been duplicated and now contains the number 4. This is incidentally the number of items within that branch of the menu, and also the number that each menu index value was set to.

    Is this a bug?

      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      If I'm understanding you, it sounds like a bug to me.

      PLEASE, PLEASE specify the version of MODX you are using.
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