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  • I'm working on a new site for a client and have installed ModX Revo into a sub-directory for the site build.


    Any page that is a container can not find the style sheets so I have to put an absolute path to the style sheets in the template. I know I must be missing something here because this shouldn't be the case, but I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. I have the
     <base href="[[!++site_url]]" />
    in the head of my template, but it's still not working. This is the second Revo site that I'm having this problem with.

    Can anyone give me an idea of what I'm doing wrong? Do you need any additional information from me to help solve this?

    I would really appreciate any help I can get on this. I've been building Evo sites for quite a while and have finally moved to all Revo and I've had some bumps along the way. Many things seem trickier in this newer version.

    One more quick questions... Why do I have to clear the cache so much in Revo to see updates on the page?

    Thanks everyone. [ed. note: mdsdesign last edited this post 11 years, 8 months ago.]
      Michael Smull
      twitter: @mdsdesign
      • 39932
      • 483 Posts
      Any page that is a container can not find the style sheets so I have to put an absolute path to the style sheets in the template.

      There are lots of reasons this could be happening, and lots of ways to overcome this.

      • If you have the CSS in your Assets, then you will have to use an absolute or full path.
      • If you have the CSS as a Resource, you may use relative URLs, but not across Contexts (see next)
      • If you have my Cross Context Resources plugin, you may use purely relative URLs. (This is being submitted as a package later tonight.)

      Something that could help is changing the "link_tag_scheme" System Setting. It may be -1 (relative), abs (absolute) or full (full). This will automatically make every [ [~#] ] link follow the scheme that you want.

      Many things seem trickier in this newer version.

      I think the issue is that they seem trickier. Having not used Revo, myself, I don't have a basis of comparison. However, I have been teaching Revo to people coming from Evo for some time. More than anything else, the comments I get are "this is so much easier", but it "requires different thinking".

      Why do I have to clear the cache so much in Revo to see updates on the page?

      Each Resource, Chunk, Template and Snippet have a setting Refresh Cache on Save. If you have this checked you won't have to refresh the cache to see the updates, almost ever. You will still have to refresh if you change System Settings or Drag and Drop Resources from one container to another.
        Website: Extended Dialog Development Blog: on Extended Dialog
        Add-ons: AJAX Revolution, RO.IDEs Editor & Framework (in works) Utilities: Plugin Compatibility List
        Tutorials: Create Cross-Context Resources, Cross-Context AJAX Login, Template-Based Actions, Remove Extensions from URLs

        Failure is just another word for saying you didn't want to try. "It can't be done" means "I don't know how".
      • Thanks for the reply Fuzzical. I had my baseURL in the wrong place and it is working fine now.

        Yes, I suppose I just have to change my thinking a bit now that I'm in Revo. But there are some odd choices as well. Like having to right click on items to change them. I like to be able to right click for things, but it shouldn't be the only option. Or having to click on a system setting to get a description of what that setting is. It's almost like things were purposely hidden and it's like a puzzle trying to figure it out. Evo was much friendly and easier to follow. I love ModX and will plow through this, but if I hadn't had many years of using Evo, I may have walked away from Revo frustrated by the way it is presented.
          Michael Smull
          twitter: @mdsdesign
          • 39932
          • 483 Posts
          You actually don't!! (in response to most of it) Revo has a surprising number of ways to get all of your information.

          System Settings

          If you want a description, you may right click and choose "Update", or you may Double-Click on the setting, or you may left click the little green box. (Incidentally to edit the value, you may double-click the value itself and it will allow you to edit it). This is true of a lot of things.... lots of ways to do everything...

          Property Sets

          You may update from any Element attached to it, or you may go to the Property Sets page from your menu.

          These are just two examples. What else are you having issues finding out how to do (efficiently)?
            Website: Extended Dialog Development Blog: on Extended Dialog
            Add-ons: AJAX Revolution, RO.IDEs Editor & Framework (in works) Utilities: Plugin Compatibility List
            Tutorials: Create Cross-Context Resources, Cross-Context AJAX Login, Template-Based Actions, Remove Extensions from URLs

            Failure is just another word for saying you didn't want to try. "It can't be done" means "I don't know how".
          • I guess everything in Evo just seemed to be right there without having to click, double click, right click. It drives me nuts that when you go to Users the only way to update or change them is to right click. I sat and stared at that page, double clicked the users and couldn't figure out how to change them. My partner called me because he couldn't figure out how to edit a comment on a post. Same thing, we just didn't think to right click. That just seems like bad design to me. We've worked on Macs for years and years and the right click things just wasn't a big thing. And, again, make it right clickable, but give us knuckle-heads a button below the users that says update. It's just better user interface. This version of ModX assumes everyone knows where everything is. It's like it was built by a specific group of people for just them and they were all in on it. New people to ModX Revo will have a harder time following it. I get that I'll eventually find where everything is, but it would be smarter to make it more intuitive.
              Michael Smull
              twitter: @mdsdesign
            • mdsdesign,

              We appreciate your sticking with it. For me too, It was hard getting used to initially. I am not saying it's perfect by any stretch of the imagination. Right clicks were a choice to make the app more desktop like and I think the confusion comes in with the fact that in some cases there is inconsistency in the behavior that makes it frustrating. But I can say personally, just in quick updates alone I work more quickly and efficiently in Revo than the multi tab spawning or clicking needed in Evo to work quickly with other resources.

              Some of the things that were added to Revo had to increase complexity like the System Settings which are no longer a finite list of options but a definable table of references that can be set and added to or property sets for elements and more Additionally, things like Media Sources, the caching, scalability and API of Revo make it possible to do more than ever possible with Evo but some things certainly need improvement.

              I hope you'll stay tuned in the coming weeks as we share and ask for everyone's assistance in making upcoming releases of MODX better from both a productivity and user experience perspective. If you would like to suggest improvements to Revo or the Docs supporting Revo, we welcome any proposals/reports at http://tracker.modx.com.

              Have fun and keep on the Road to MODX mastery.



                Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub
              • ModX is stuck with me. I hate to sound like one of those people who complain every time they change Facebook.

                I think as ModX becomes more powerful, it gets more and more confusing for designers. Trying to figure out how to use User Permissions made me want to stab myself in the brain.

                I think all of the power is great, but I think it has lost so much of the simplicity that made me fall in love with it. I think upfront it needs to be simple, sleek and streamlined. However, with all the power under the hood for the folks that need and want all of that power. Think of how Apple has always kept all of their software and hardware simple and easy to use by anyone. My mother-in-law has an iPhone and an iPad and can't figure out how to use a calculator.

                My worry is that people will try ModX, get very confused, frustrated and lost and then simply walk away. I'm here to stay. I'm invested in it on so many levels and I will figure it out the more I work with it. I would really just love to see more simplicity in how it's all presented. Get User Interface designers involved in the next version, lots of user testing with folks that aren't programmers or part of the team.

                Again, I love ModX and will always use and promote it. My brain just works visually and I have a hard time following a lot of the documentation that is available. Thanks to the great community, I can always find answers.

                Thanks again for listening!
                  Michael Smull
                  twitter: @mdsdesign
                • There's definitely plenty we can improve in the design/interface and your feedback is really appreciated in that regard. It's good to know you're in it for the long run (so are we!) and I'm sure as the product evolves (together with the community) you wont be disappointed.
                    Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

                    Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.