Well you have found a bug, no lexicon nor template for change that.... I'll update the next release to have the "no events" result use a specific chunk for easy modifications.
in the meantime you can use the output modifiers to change the output to another text or chunk as you see fit.
example to replace with just text:
[[!mxcalendar:eq=`No Events`:then=`Sorry, we don't have any events yet.`:else=`[[!mxcalendar?&displayType=`list`&ajaxResourceId=`28`&modalView=`true``]]`?&displayType=`list`&ajaxResourceId=`28`&modalView=`true`]]
example to replace with a chunk of your choosing (yourchunkname = the chunk you want to use):
[[!mxcalendar:eq=`No Events`:then=`[[$yourchunkname]].`:else=`[[!mxcalendar?&displayType=`list`&ajaxResourceId=`28`&modalView=`true``]]`?&displayType=`list`&ajaxResourceId=`28`&modalView=`true`]]
Sorry for the headache until the next release.