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    • 36632
    • 202 Posts
    I've followed the instructions here for setting up a subdomain:

    It works for Traditional Revo, but not for Advanced Revo.

    I changed the config.core.php from:
    define('MODX_CORE_PATH', '/home/account/public_html/customcore/');

    define('MODX_CORE_PATH', '/home/account/public_html/customcore/'));

    The context is set up correctly. I've done this on Tradl Revo. htaccess and index.php have been edited.

    What am I doing wrong?


    [ed. note: ultrasef last edited this post 11 years, 8 months ago.]
    • Other than the extra closing ) in the second example, I see no difference between them.
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        • 36632
        • 202 Posts
        That extra ) is supposed to be there but I checked my traditional Revo 2.2.4 install and it's not.

        I also moved that traditional's htaccess file to the Advanced's subdomain folder. All is working now. It turns out the htaccess file was missing a lot of the code that makes it so powerful, specifically the Friendly URLs code.