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  • I'm a little lost here and hope someone can help me. I've only built a few revolution sites and perhaps I'm missing something. I've created more than 40 evolution sites and I've never had this problem.

    Basically, I'm using two templates - One for the home page, One for the rest of the pages. They work fine except when I make one of the pages a container. All of the code is there, but it doesn't display any of the styles.

    Here is the site: http://2012.stjaneschool.com/

    Two of the pages are containers: http://2012.stjaneschool.com/about-us/ & http://2012.stjaneschool.com/student-life/

    The other pages, including sub pages all display the template correctly.

    I'm also trying to get friendly urls to work without .html - not having any luck there either. Any whelp would be appreciated.

      Michael Smull
      twitter: @mdsdesign
    • Looks like I got the friendly urls working without the .html - I deleted .html from the content types and left it blank.
        Michael Smull
        twitter: @mdsdesign
      • Well, I changed the links to the stylesheets to absolute links and it works, but I'm not sure why the structure works with pages, but not containers.

        If any one can enlighten me, I would appreciate it.
          Michael Smull
          twitter: @mdsdesign
          • 37335
          • 13 Posts
          Only things that spring to mind is the RewriteBase and <base> tag. You seem to have both of those set up correctly though. Might want to use something like the Developer Tools in Chrome/Firefox/IE and check logs to find where it's really looking for the files.
          • Yes, I'm wondering if it has something to do with the fact that I'm building the site in a sub-directory: http://2012.stjaneschool.com

            I've never seen this before and it's probably something stupid. I just don't know why the home page and regular document pages are working and not containers.

            I'll take a look at developer tools and see if that sheds any light. At least it's working, but it's not the correct way to do this.
              Michael Smull
              twitter: @mdsdesign
            • What version of Revo are you using? If you're having problems with links to the css it's either the way they are written or the way your .htaccess rules are configured. What we do on MODX.com is make the CSS files create a system setting vs just relative paths that gives us the flexibility to move them elsewhere like a CDN.

               <link rel="stylesheet" href="[[++assets.url]]css/style.css">
                Author of zero books. Formerly of many strange things. Pairs well with meats. Conversations are magical experiences. He's dangerous around code but a markup magician. BlogTwitterLinkedInGitHub
              • Perhaps it's my .htaccess rule. I'm using the latest version of Revo. I didn't make any changes to the .htaccess when I installed other than a small change that I needed for php 5.3 - Do I need to indicate the base url in the htaccess?
                  Michael Smull
                  twitter: @mdsdesign