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    How do i change the days on the calendar so they are shortened i.e, Saturday > Sat, Sunday > Sun etc etc?
    Just to add that i have already changed the entries in Lexicon Management but it has had no effect.
    Entries changed are:
    mxcalendars.label_friday = "fri", etc etc.

    Thanks [ed. note: 9thwave last edited this post 12 years, 5 months ago.]
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      Hi there, I found this in the tplHeading and add a filter to [[+dayOfWeek]] - probably worth creating custom chunk to prevent being overwritten in an upgrade and add &tplHeading=`mytplHeading`

      <td id="[[+dayOfWeekId]]" class="[[+dayOfWeekClass]]">
              [[+dayOfWeek:strtotime:date=`%a` ]]    
        Helen Warner
        Number one pixel!
        Proud to be linked with MODX at Crimson Pixel