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    • 34459
    • 134 Posts
    I am trying to add a small "3 box news segment". I wanted it, to be visible on multiple pages. Normally I would just use chunks but the thing is that I want to be able to modify "3 box segment" content and preferably with a ritch text. Any Ideas how to accomplish that?
      Check out blackflow.pl
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      you can either use resources for each box and get them with getResources, or you can have one Resource which holds a MIGX-TV and manage the boxes with MIGX-items.

        you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


        • 34459
        • 134 Posts
        can you explain more how would you do it with MIGX?
          Check out blackflow.pl
          • 4172
          • 5,888 Posts
          basically you would create a News-Box-Resource and a MIGX-TV for the template of that Resource.

          you can configure the MIGX-TV to have one richtext-field and may be a Title-field, if you prefer to have it as richtext by using this formtabs:
          {"caption":"News","fields": [

          and grid-columns with:

          {"header": "Title", "width": "60", "sortable": "false", "dataIndex": "title"}

          say you have named this TV MIGX_news and the resource_id is 999

          use a getImageList - call like that:

          [[getImageList? &tvname=`MIGX_news` &docid=`999` &tpl=`migx_news_item`]]

          your chunk migx_news_item would be something like that:

          <div class="newsitem">

          thats all of it

          Now you can add, move, remove items to your News-box-grid as you like and you can show it on different places on your site where you like.

          [ed. note: Bruno17 last edited this post 11 years, 9 months ago.]

            you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX

