- 322 Posts
I upgraded VersionX, and notice that the Content tab shows all content as empty! All the other information seems to show up. I looked in the modx_versionx_content table, and the content is there; it's just not showing up in the MODX manager screens for VersionX. Is this a bug?
running revo 2.2.4-pl, versionx 2.0.0r2
- 322 Posts
I just upgraded to Versionx 2.0.0r3, and the problem remains.
- 322 Posts
No responses? Anyone else having this problem?
I've seen it on and off and someone might've figured it out here:
https://github.com/Mark-H/VersionX2/issues/33 and also filed here
Hopefully I'll get a day or two to get VersionX updated with some uncovered bugs and desired features soon, this is definitely on the list of stuff I want to get to the bottom of.
- 322 Posts
Thanks. The second link worked for me. The first one works, too, but ends up showing the content in code view. The second one is preferable because I can see the formatting visually, and images, etc.
[ed. note: rainbowtiger last edited this post 11 years, 11 months ago.]
Cheers, thanks for the confirmation! I'll get it resolved in the next version.