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    • 30585
    • 833 Posts
    Hi guys,

    After installing Articles 1.6.2-pl on a Revo 2.2.4 Traditional Install (also a fresh upgrade), I'm no longer able to retrieve resources. All Article containers don't return any articles as they did just a few hours ago. I tried reverting back to the previous version that worked flawlessly, but the issue persists. I even manually downgraded/reinstalled the package and all dependencies (getResources etc) , but nothing is giving.

    I know that it's installed properly, because I can manipulate Article containers just like before by editing articles and I can retrieve them using getResources, but the native [[+articles]] call doesn't show anything on the container page.

    You might ask, why not use getResouces then? One, because that will be going against the natural order of things, two, because getPage will display duplicate pagination links (eg: 1 2 2 2 2) and also because it will return the same TV image content for each retrieved resource although the value is unique for each.

    Here's My environment:
    Revo 2.2.4/PHP 5.3.3/MYSQL 5.0.95/VPS on CentOS 5

    Thanks guys for any help [ed. note: treigh last edited this post 11 years, 10 months ago.]
      A MODx Fanatic
      • 30585
      • 833 Posts
      If anyone ever went through the same problem, my fix was the old fashion site restore.
      I ran a clean install of MODX 2.2.2 and imported my backup sql file and installed packages from scratch.

      This resolved the Articles blank output issue.
        A MODx Fanatic