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    I have the problem that the Archivist plugin outputs month name only in English language.
    I tried to fix this problem since a few days but without success. I read a lot of forum threads which seems to contain fixes - but nothing helped!

    My environment:

    MODx Revo 2.2.4-pl
    Archivist 1.2.3-pl

    My setup:

    I have 4 different contexts where all of them have it's own Articles container. The Archivist snippet aggregates articles from all 4 contexts (this works fine!)

    What I did and tried:

    - system setting "locale" is set to "de_DE.UTF-8" ( also tried de_DE.utf8 )
    - system setting "cultureKey" is set to "de"
    - system setting "modx_charset" is set to "UTF-8"
    - created a context setting to override the system "locale" setting

    Here is my snippet call:


    also tried to add parameter:

        &setLocale=`true` (in case the default value doesn't work as expected)

    I saw this was a previous Archivist bug but should be fixed for a while now - don't know what's wrong...

    Could anyone please provide a solution or give a hint? [ed. note: gadgetto last edited this post 11 years, 9 months ago.]
      Freelancer @bitego http://www.bitego.com
      GoodNews - one of the most advanced and integrated Group Mailer premium add-ons for MODX Revolution!
      More infos here: http://www.bitego.com/extras/goodnews/
      • 10378
      • 375 Posts
      Fixed the problem:
      The Apache configuration had the wrong locale setting applied!
      de_AT instead de_DE

      Correcting this immediately fixed the language problem!
        Freelancer @bitego http://www.bitego.com
        GoodNews - one of the most advanced and integrated Group Mailer premium add-ons for MODX Revolution!
        More infos here: http://www.bitego.com/extras/goodnews/