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    • 10 Posts
    In ModX Revolution 2.2.2, I have an "editor" user that get the following error when changing template of a newly created document within a particular container folder which "Editor" users have access to.

    Notice: Undefined index: resource_groups \manager\controllers\default\resource\create.class.php on line 112

    The above message appears on the top after the page refreshes when the template is changed. After which, things aren't stable enough to continue to save the document.

    For this editor user, there's no Resource Group tab visible, but I assume whatever items he creates within the parent container SHOULD inheirt the resource groups from it and he won't need to edit it, , including the template. Strangely through, he doesn't inherit the template anyawy (which is why he needed to change it to begin with).

    So, there are 2 bugs:

    1) Undefined resource group index

    2) Doesn't inherit template from parent container.

    For now, users have to resort to duplicating a SAMPLE document, and than accessing the duplicate document to edit it. This isn't too ideal and user-friendly.I hope this fix can be resolved soon.

    Another thing, why is it that duplicating a document using Right-Click Duplicate Document, doesn't automatically redirect to the new document? Personally, I find it more user-friendly if it redirected automatically to the new document that was duplicated, allowing it to be edited immediately. Right now, users have to scroll down the long list of documents just to find the new duplicated entry.

    I've also tried enabling "resourcegroup_view" for the Editor's access policy, but it doesn't seem to make any difference. [ed. note: glidiasrage last edited this post 11 years, 10 months ago.]