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    • 39448
    • 8 Posts
    I've done lots of poking around on the forums and other places online and I haven't found a clear cut answer. I am potentially going to move my site from Windows to Linux. It seems like "in theory" all I should have to do is update the config paths mentioned at http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Moving+Your+Site+to+a+New+Server under the "Updating your config files" and "Update your database" sections.

    That seems too easy so I wanted to ask around to see if this is a correct assumption or if there is another recommended way?

    Thanks! J
      • 39448
      • 8 Posts
      Opengeek gets the prize for confirming that all I should have to do is follow those steps under the "Updating your config files" and "Update your database" sections. If I have issues I will update this smiley

      Thanks Opengeek!