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    • 40088
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    Quote from: microcipcip at Jun 11, 2012, 04:45 PM
    getResources is a flexible snippet that allows you to display the content from other pages, so, for example, you can use getResources to generate a list of news or a list of recent blog articles. You could use getResources for your id="new" section.

    Thank you microcipcip, this will come in handy, I'm sure.

    I think what I'm getting used to is the "hands-on" approach to editing content for the end-user. Obviously an RTE could be used in the main content area which some clients expect but for things like TVs, which might contain various tags (p, h, etc.) or class styles (unless I completely misunderstand how to use a TV), it requires the end-user have a basic understanding of syntax which for some clients is a deal-breaker. Personally MODX suits the way I like to work but I can see where some people might prefer a more visual approach to editing their content.

      • 19369
      • 1,098 Posts
      The client doesn't need to know html syntax at all. On a well developed template the TVs are already inside the html tag, so the client will only write the text.


      This is also the best way to make sure that the SEO is going on well. If you let the client add both title, text and images all in one single place they will make SEO mistakes for sure, and eventually broken the website design.

      There should be a Front End editor for MODX Revolution, although I've never tried it. This should help the client understand what area of the website is editing. For MODX Evolution I use QuickManager+.
        • 19369
        • 1,098 Posts
        BTW, a TV can contain TinyMCE, so you can use it in several places in the page.
          • 40088
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          Quote from: microcipcip at Jun 11, 2012, 09:47 PM
          The client doesn't need to know html syntax at all. On a well developed template the TVs are already inside the html tag, so the client will only write the text.

          I see what you're saying about TVs but in the example below which you marked as
          the content isn't just plain text but has a numerous styling cues included like italic, strong or even a span class. In such cases those tags, classes, etc.have to be included in the TV. It's not always going to be as simple as blocks of the same default style text.

          Now, how do you apply an RTE to a TV? When I installed Tiny I thought it would have been applied to all areas, not just the main content field but I couldn't find a way to make it work. Obviously I'm overlooking something.

            • 19369
            • 1,098 Posts
            Quote from: todd.b at Jun 11, 2012, 10:11 PM
            Now, how do you apply an RTE to a TV? When I installed Tiny I thought it would have been applied to all areas, not just the main content field but I couldn't find a way to make it work. Obviously I'm overlooking something.


            MODX gives you the freedom to choose which textarea should have and should not have TinyMCE.

            See this screenshot taken from MODX Documentation: http://rtfm.modx.com/download/attachments/33227172/tvinput.png?version=1&modificationDate=1308911612000. Where you see "Input type" select RichText. In this way you should see a TV with TinyMCE.

            the content isn't just plain text but has a numerous styling cues included like italic, strong or even a span class. In such cases those tags, classes, etc.have to be included in the TV. It's not always going to be as simple as blocks of the same default style text.

            Yes I understand, I think there is a way to give the client these cues. Open again this screenshot: http://rtfm.modx.com/download/attachments/33227172/tvinput.png?version=1&modificationDate=1308911612000. You see Default Value? Add this code in that textarea and save the TV:
            <p>This is a paragraph</p>
            <h3>This is a h3 title</h3>
            <p>This is a paragraph</p>
            <h3>This is a h3 title</h3>
            <p>This is a paragraph</p>

            Note: you need to add a text inside the tag otherwise I think TinyMCE will remove the tag, and anyway, the client will not be able to visually see the tag if it's empty.
              • 40088
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              Nice. Very useful info.

              I hope there will be more RTE options for MODX in the future for those times when I need to install one. Tiny just isn't that appealing to me. Though Imperavi looks interesting and minimal.

              Thank you for all your help.
                • 33968
                • 863 Posts
                Quote from: todd.b at Jun 11, 2012, 03:54 PM

                Here's a stripped-down example of the main content markup I placed in TinyMCE:

                <div id="content">
                	<div id="trans">
                		<div id="frame">
                			<p id="slider"></p>
                	        <div id="quote">
                			<h2><a href=""></a></h2>
                	<div id="new">

                Could you perhaps move some of that markup into the template instead of having it in the content area? You're exposing your slideshow and page structure to your client's 'delete' key - from experience they will break it wink
                  • 40088
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                  Quote from: okyanet at Jun 12, 2012, 02:55 AM
                  Could you perhaps move some of that markup into the template instead of having it in the content area?

                  I sure can. I moved the majority of it to the template thanks to the previous sugestions. Much better.
                    • 4172
                    • 5,888 Posts
                    for simple Text formatting I like to use textile-markup and use the Textile-output-filter for that fields.

                      you can buy me a beer, if you like MIGX


                      • 40088
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                      Quote from: Bruno17 at Jun 12, 2012, 06:06 AM
                      for simple Text formatting I like to use textile-markup and use the Textile-output-filter for that fields.

                      Oh, I like that a lot. Thank you.