Is it possible to order the values of the ajaxsearch on a TV? Basically I the results to be ordered by the TV(a date field TV) not by rabk.
I tried using the &order parameter but I get an error.
The date is displayed correctly in the output using the &tvPhx param.
The error I get is
« Execution of a query to the database failed - Unknown column 'researchPublicationDate' in 'order clause' »
SQL: SELECT sc.id, sc.pagetitle, sc.longtitle, sc.description, sc.alias, sc.introtext, sc.template, sc.menutitle, sc.content, sc.publishedon, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT CAST(ntv.id AS CHAR) SEPARATOR "," ) AS tv_id, GROUP_CONCAT( DISTINCT ntv.value SEPARATOR "," ) AS tv_value FROM `modx2_site_content` sc LEFT JOIN( SELECT DISTINCT tv.id, tv.value, tv.contentid FROM `modx2_site_tmplvar_contentvalues` tv ) AS ntv ON sc.id = ntv.contentid WHERE ((sc.id IN (404,405,406)) AND (sc.published=1) AND (sc.searchable=1) AND (sc.deleted=0) AND (sc.privateweb=0)) GROUP BY sc.id HAVING (((sc.pagetitle LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.longtitle LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.description LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.alias LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.introtext LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.menutitle LIKE '%entry%') OR (sc.content LIKE '%entry%') OR (tv_value LIKE '%entry%'))) ORDER BY researchPublicationDate
I was hopping that AjaxSearch would build the query in a way that get the researchPublicationDate TV as a column.
Thank you