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    I am attempting to set the addJQ parameter to false to not load the jQuery script multiple times on my page.

    Firstly, I think the parameter is incorrectly typed as 'addjq' in snippet.mxcalendars.php. However, using both `addJQ` and `addjq` in the snippet call still results in the script being added. The only workaround looks to be setting a NULL value for the 'jqLibSrc' parameter.

    Snippet Call:
    [[!mxcalendar? &displayType=`list` &isLocked=`true` &resourceId=`20` &addJQ=`false`]]

    MODX Revolution 2.2.2-pl (traditional)
    mxCalendar 1.1.1-pl
      • 34084 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 756 Posts
      thank you for the case typo, that's fixed and will be in the next release.
        Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
        Visit CharlesMx.com for latest news and status updates.