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    nilskaspersson Reply #1, 12 years ago
    edit: Nevermind, a hot shower made me remember HTML can be stored inside of RTEs and at some point during the process I copied text directly off the web page which - unbeknownst to me - also copied the HTML which was automatically and invisibly stored in TinyMCE.

    So I just installed MODX Revolution on a server for a new project and started by creating some chunks and TVs.

    As I finished organizing all of the code necessary for the front page I published it to view it in my browser and found that a couple of div-based boxes had become nested, containing duplicates of themselves.

    Confused, I went back to the chunk containing the affected boxes to see if I had done something wrong. I couldn't, however, find anything weird and looked over the other code to see if anything could affect this. As I couldn't find anything I decided to simply remove some of the HTML to see what would happen and, for some reason, it solved the problem.

    My chunk now looks like this:

    <div id="content">
    <div id="frontText">[[*frontText]]</div>

    And the HTML on the page looks like this:

    <div id="content">
    <div id="frontText"><p>Text</p></div>
    <div id="frontBox1" class="frontBox">
    <div class="boxLabel">
    Lorem ipsum</div></div>
    <div id="frontBox2" class="frontBox">
    <div class="boxLabel">
    <p>Lorem ipsum</p></div></div>
    <div id="frontBox3" class="frontBox">
    <div class="boxLabel">
    Lorem ipsum</div></div>

    Which is exactly how I want it to be, but since I removed parts of my code I never declare the ID "FrontBox1" nor the class"frontBox" anywhere else in the code. My TVs have names equal to the CSS IDs but not the classes, and they contain nothing but some rich text generated with TinyMCE.

    What's up here? Is this some MODX Revo feature I can't wrap my head around? [ed. note: nilskaspersson last edited this post 12 years ago.]