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    • 36900
    • 3 Posts
    Hi, my company is trying to update our MODx Revolution 2.0.8 site to the current MODx version. When the update was made the only issue (although major) that we've noticed is that all of our tracking pixels (analytics, etc...) stop working. We have had to roll back to our 2.0.8 version twice.

    Any insight as to why this might be happening? Thanks!
    • Could you give us a little more information such as how are they added to the site? If they are just links/images in a chunk you should be fine, but if there is a plugin/snippet involved it may not be compatible with the current version.
        Patrick | Server Wrangler
        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
        • 39381
        • 2 Posts
        Hey, I work with Monnie,

        90% of the pixels are stored in the main body of the template, but a few are in a chunk that's included. Most are Javascript, and all of them fail after the upgrade.

        The strangest part is that the source of the page is identical (vim-diff) before and after the upgrade. Me and several software devs are very confused as to what could have changed.

        If you have any other questions, please let me know smiley

        • Do you use any custom code to add/manage/monitor them? If so the code may have relied on a removed function between 2.0.8 > 2.2.1.
            Patrick | Server Wrangler
            About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
            • 39381
            • 2 Posts
            Nope. We have 1 pixel that is fired via php (http_get) and that one is still working fine. All the rest are really just sitting in the template for the page. And just to reiterate, the source of the page (view source) is identical between versions.

              • 32316
              • 387 Posts
              whistlemaker Reply #6, 12 years ago
              And just to reiterate, the source of the page (view source) is identical between versions.
              So one would think that the something that tracks them broke - look at that code and consider the functions removed in the transition from 2.08 to 2.1 - see here: http://rtfm.modx.com/display/revolution20/Summary+of+Legacy+Code+Removed+in+2.1