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    • 2396
    • 101 Posts

    I have a Revolution 2.1.1 site running on IIS 7.0, PHP 5.2.14 and I'm finding it impossible to insert images into content via TinyMCE v 4.3.0. I've reinstalled TinyMCE and it doesn't help. I'm guessing that it is to do with directory permissions on 'images' and maybe 'assets' but IIS won't show me the correct permissions - it says everything is 777 even when it isn't, and only the host can change them. Or maybe a path problem? Can someone please tell me if one of these might be the problem?

    This is the process I go through:
    1. Insert the cursor where I want to place the image and click on 'Insert/edit image'
    2. Click on the 'Browse' icon in the modal dialog
    3. Try to navigate to the 'images/site' subfolder or any other that the image is in
    4. When I click on the folder, it seems to open (the arrow disappears) but I can't see any images when they are clearly in there (pic1)

    Also, if I click on 'MODx Browser' then:
    1. I can navigate to the subfolder and see the images in there, including the preview (but not the preview in the tree) (pic2)
    2. When I click on an image to select it, and press OK, the file browser window closes and I get taken back to the manager, with the cursor inserted in the 'Title' text box and the TinyMCY modal still open behind the browser.

    Any ideas?
    [ed. note: atype last edited this post 12 years ago.]
      • 7327
      • 195 Posts

      Are you using an admin account or a user account? In my experience, I had problems with user accounts when I didn't give them proper upload permissions (images, media, files, etc) in MODX EVO. Might be similar in nature?

        • 2396
        • 101 Posts

        Thanks, but yes I am using the full admin account. I've given up now - MODX just refuses to allow me to place an image from a subfolder inside the images folder - I just ended up putting every image in the images folder (no subfolders) which is far from ideal as there are hundreds of images there now, but it works now. Disappointed though as I have had path related issues a couple of times with little help available.