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  • you know what, it might be the bug with the sorting of events - which is fixed in the coming release if you can hold for a couple days the new release might help solve that issue.

      Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
      Visit CharlesMx.com for latest news and status updates.
      • 38417
      • 92 Posts
      Here it is!
        • 38417
        • 92 Posts
        Hi Charles,

        Didn't see your last post. I will wait for the new release.
        • What is your repeating event, id 7, properties (weekly,daily,) and the frequency? It you have no other changes to the snippet call or properties then the first 5 upcoming events will be listed, thus if the event id 7 repeats 5 or more time then the other events will not display as they are further in the future. To test this you can change your eventListlimit=`25` parameter to see if it list the others.

          Hope that helps explain and once the new release is ready I'll post that notice here as well.

            Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
            Visit CharlesMx.com for latest news and status updates.
            • 38417
            • 92 Posts
            It is a yearly event, frequency once a year. I have put in an other screen capture.
            Maybe it is also an idea to put in a possibility an event last the whole day without starting and end time, for a birthday it looks a bit odd.

            I will wait for the new release.

            [ed. note: showa26 last edited this post 12 years ago.]
            • Then yes, this is the sorting issue bug - new release expected by tomorrow.
                Evo Revo // Ubuntu, CentOS, Win // Apache 2x, Lighttp (Lighty)
                Visit CharlesMx.com for latest news and status updates.
                • 38417
                • 92 Posts
                The problem that upcoming events did not show correctly (see: http://forums.modx.com/attachment/download?file=7903) is solved by the solution Mark-H put here: https://github.com/CharlesMx/mxCalendar/issues/36
                [ed. note: showa26 last edited this post 12 years ago.]