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    • 36931
    • 206 Posts
    Dear all,
    I am caling a chunk with parameter
    [[$LanguageGallery? &cultureKey=`en` &id=`5`]]

    And here is my Chink code
    [[BabelTranslation? &contextKey=`[[+cultureKey]]` &resourceId=`[[+id]]`]]

    In some case the returned value is empty.

    I am looking for a condition to display a value if the return is empty an another value if the return is not empty.
    Then I install the package ifEval, but I can not find a sutatble solution
    [[!ifEval? &input=`empty([[$LanguageGallery? &cultureKey=`en` &id=`5`]])` &contentTrue=`empty`]]

    [[!ifEval? &input=`[[$LanguageGallery? &cultureKey=`en` &id=`5`]]==""` &contentTrue=`empty`]]

    Do you have an idea?
      • 36516
      • 179 Posts
      I may have misunderstood, but have you considered an output modifier?


      [[$LanguageGallery:isempty=``? &cultureKey=`en` &id=`5`]]