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    • 33998
    • 12 Posts
    I'm trying to change the language used inside Archivist. I want to display Dutch month names instead. This is the code I'm using.

    System settings

    • cultureKey nl
    • locale nl_NL

    Archivist settings
    [[!Archivist? &target=`28` &tpl=`news_link` &parents=`29`]]

    tpl news_link
    <li class="[[+cls]]"><a href="[[+url]]" title="[[+date]]">[[+date]]</a></li>

    getArchives settings
    <h1>Archief [[+arc_month_name]] [[+arc_year]]</h1>
    <p class="page_nav">[[!+page.nav]]</p>

    The thing is: it pretty much works. But I don't want any English months. I want them Dutch. I can't figure out how to change this. Can anyone help me out please? [ed. note: Martijn1981 last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]
      • 33998
      • 12 Posts
      Ah, I found the solution.

      locale shouldn't be nl_NL, but nl_NL.UTF-8. It works fine that way!

      -- EDIT --

      This isn't mentioned in the docs anywhere! Bit of a pity though. [ed. note: Martijn1981 last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]