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    • 31566
    • 14 Posts
    Hi guys,
    I am running Revolution 2.2.0-pl2 and..
    I can't find the new_file_permissions neither the new_folder_permissions settings in the system settings.

    What I am missing ??
    • These are generally only set if you change them from the default values during setup. Otherwise, they are not added so the default umask is utilized.
        • 31566
        • 14 Posts
        Well but what if I need/want to access them through the system settings ?
        Is there a way to add them in there ?
        • Yep, just add the settings with the values you want.
            • 31566
            • 14 Posts
            Okay thanks.
            I guess the key value will be new_file_permissions and new_folder_permissions
            Then, what should be the field type ?
            And wich format my permissions values should have ?
            755 or 0755 or "755" ? (I want chmod 755 for folders and 644 for files)

            Is that all I have to do ??
            (Will Modx recognize these key names and will know -by some kind of magic- what to do ?)
              • 24362
              • 11 Posts
              Had to deal with file permissions last time, read and try many but found no solution...

              Environment: MODX Revolution 2.2.4-pl (advanced), apache 2, php 5.3, mysql
              umask seems to be 0023
              I set the owner of all files to the apache user
              if I upload via ftp files become 0640, folders 0750

              @vincentp: new_file_permissions seems to be correct, permissions should something like 0750 resp. 0640 - thats all, but there is a catch, it only affects (at my installation) the file-installs with package manager, not fileupload etc.

              And there are my problems and questions around this:
              1. If I do a setup because of upgrading modx ..., all updated files get permission 0626, unless I went into setup files like options.php and modinstallrunner.class.php and change the permissions hardcoded. Is there a way without changing setup files.

              2. If I upload via modx-manager files become 0640, but I need 0660 for exchange with ftp - is there a setting anywhere to change this? - can I change or add the file and folder permissions made during the first install and would take this any affect?

              further notice:
              same permissions 0626 get files installed with package manager, if I discard the systemsetting "new_files_permissions". Hardcoded changes in xpdo/cache/xpdocachemanager.class.php, rows 131 and 132 will do same thing as new_files_permissions but has no effect to other file-operations, right??
                MODX 2.2.6 (advanced), PHP 5.3, MySQL 5.5.27
                • 21135
                • 8 Posts
                Quote from: rai at Jul 17, 2012, 11:04 AM
                @vincentp: new_file_permissions seems to be correct, permissions should something like 0750 resp. 0640 - thats all, but there is a catch, it only affects (at my installation) the file-installs with package manager, not fileupload etc.

                2. ... but I need 0660 for exchange with ftp - is there a setting anywhere to change this? - can I change or add the file and folder permissions made during the first install and would take this any affect?


                I have also searched for this without any luck.
                So is there any way to change the permissions of the files uploaded by the manager?