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    • 24075
    • 83 Posts

    when i use this code:
    echo 'base path: [[!++base_path]]<br><hr>';

    on screen is:
    base path: /home/www/puschpull.org/www/modx_rev/

    when i use this code:
    echo 'base url: [[!++base_url]]<br><hr>';

    on screen is:
    base url: /modx_rev/

    my testing web is here:

    My question:
    what i need this adress:
    string www is superfluous !
      Petr Püschel, Czech Republic
    • The PATH is the path in the server's filesystem, beginning at the server file root. The base_url is the web server's URL, beginning at the web root. So for a PATH, / means the root of the server file system. For a URL, / means the web server's web root.

      In your case, your hosting is putting everyone's files into /home/www/domain.com/ directories on the server. All of your files are in the /home/www/puschpull.org/ directory, and the web server uses your www directory as its web root (in the case of the web root / means YOUR www directory). Other servers may use public_html or htdocs as the web root directory; using www is common but in this case it's confusing you because they also use a directory named www to contain all of their customer's individual website directories.

      You can use site_url to get the whole URL domain and all.


      is the same as


      [ed. note: sottwell last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]
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        • 24075
        • 83 Posts
        sottwell: Thanks!
          Petr Püschel, Czech Republic