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    • 23 Posts
    When I add a comment to a blog post, the automated email sent out to moderators works fine and includes a full link e.g:

    http:// example.com/blog/2012/01/11/article/#qcom5

    When the moderator approves a comment, Quip sends more emails, to confirm that the comment has been approved and to notify anyone else who has signed up to that thread. These emails just contain the hash reference and not the full URL e.g:


    Is this working properly for anyone else? Is it a bug - or is there just some setting I am missing?

    Anyone know where I might fix this in the email templates or core components PHP?

    Win 7 Pro 64, IIS7 (with URL rewrite enabled), Revo 2.2 pl2, Articles 1.4.7, Quip 2.2.0