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    • 81 Posts
    I'm thinking that my site got hacked into, but not sure because some images were changed in the Manager and then they changed back.

    I have attached a screenshot of the two things I noticed that changed. Then I hit refresh and it went back to the normal images.

    Here are the images I noticed changed.



    Any ideas? Was it just a glitch? [ed. note: mafokken last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]
    • It sounds like just a glitch, but if you want to play it safe, see if there was any recent access to the server (FTP/SSH), or recently changed files.

      Also it wouldn't hurt to change all the passwords just in case. Also what version of MODX are you using?
        Patrick | Server Wrangler
        About Me: Website | TweetsMODX Hosting
        • 17930
        • 81 Posts
        The site that had the problem is 2.2.0 pl2.

        I did check the date on the server for the two files I listed above and they were made the same day as all the rest. Which means they haven't been changed since I updated.

        The hosting company said it all looked normal.
        • That's nothing to get alarmed about. I get that sort of thing all the time, in my case it's my unreliable Internet connection causing the Javascript to not always load correctly. Sometimes the browser cache loads the whole script, sometimes it doesn't. If the Internet connection times out, or the page tries to render with only a partial Javascript file downloaded, it'll look like that. Since the MODx Manager is very heavy with ExtJS javascript libraries and AJAX requests, I often get an odd-looking page.
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