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    I created a custom Chunk for the Quip Comment Form of my Blog articles. Beside this form I'd like to display some rich-text content (disclaimer ,rules and so on...).

    I think it's unclean to place a content text inside of a Chunk. It's also a problem if a back-end user without access to the Chunks has to edit this text.

    First I tried to solve it with a TV (rich-text field). The problem is if I connect this TV to the ArticleTemplate I have to fill in that text in each Article I create.

    If I connect the TV to the ArticlesContainerTemplate I can't use this TV in the comment form Chunk.
    Connecting to both templates also doesn't work.

    Any idea how to do this in a propper way?

      Freelancer @bitego http://www.bitego.com
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