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    Hi Folks,

    firstly - thanks coroico for this great search snippet!

    Secondly, I have the search working in tvs and the required pages, but when i add the Search form to the page the jquery header stops the other Jquery on the page working, the form works witht he clearDefault et al, but the animator etc stop working.

    I tried to add &addJQuery=`0` to the AdvSearchForm snippet, but the form still breaks the other JS

    its most likely a conflict between the JS libraries but i'm not sure how to fix it where AdvSearch is involved.



    EDIT: addJQuery=`0` Allows the other JS to load in Chrome and IE - but Firefox you cannot click on the form element.

    [ed. note: Tyreal2012 last edited this post 12 years, 3 months ago.]