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    • 38547
    • 98 Posts

    I have upgraded to evo 1.0.5 and whatever I do I cant any results or in fact the form to work,

    Heres what I have

    Code in the template
    [!AjaxSearch? &ajaxSearch=`0` &showResults=`0` &showIntro=`0` &landingPage=`8`!]

    Code on landing page
    [!AjaxSearch? &showInputForm=`1` &ajaxSearch=`0`!]

    The html output for the form show this action:
    <form method="post" action="index.php?q=search-results.html" id="ajaxSearch_form"

    The pages are not cached and even the form on the landing page does not give any results either.

    I know nothing about programming and this site is not used much the form might not have worked before I upgraded from 1.0.3 the only thing that does work is it forwards to the landing page.

    Can anyone tell me if there is anything I can do to find the problem.

    Many thanks [ed. note: ianman last edited this post 13 years ago.]
      • 38547
      • 98 Posts
      I have a little more info that I really hope someone can make some sense from and point me in the right direction, this comes from the event log and is titled parser system-events here is the output of this:

      « MODx Parse Error »
      MODx encountered the following error while attempting to parse the requested resource:
      « PHP Parse Error »
      PHP error debug
        Error: 	Missing argument 1 for AjaxSearch::run(), called in /home/sudburym/public_html/manager/includes/document.parser.class.inc.php(814) : eval()'d code on line 415 and defined	 
        Error type/ Nr.: 	Warning - 2	 
        File: 	/home/sudburym/public_html/assets/snippets/ajaxSearch/classes/ajaxSearch.class.inc.php	 
        Line: 	64	 
        Line 64 source: 	function run($tstart, $dcfg, $cfg = null) { 	 
      Parser timing
        MySQL: 	0.0077 s	(11 Requests)
        PHP: 	3.6248 s	 
        Total: 	3.6325 s

      If anyone has any ideas please let me know I have no ideas.

