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    long times ago wink I wrote an Evo plugin for the Smartypants parser to get fine typography without using RTE. (Which I don’t like). Now it’s time for me to switch for Revo - but I can´t get this plugin working.

    This was the old Evo code:

     $output = $modx->documentOutput;
     $modx->documentOutput = SmartyPants($output);

    The plugin is working on OnWebPagePrerender

    Now (for Revo) I treid this.

    	$output = $modx->resource->_output;
    	$modx->resource->_output = SmartyPants($output);
    	return $modx->resource->_output;

    What is weird: Sometimes Smartypants is doing its job sometimes not. For exemple it skips all the wrong "quotation marks" in a ressource, then tranfers a word wrapped in asteriks into italics or vice versa.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    P.S. There is an Revo Smartypants plugin or snippet on the extras, but I can’t install this.