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    • 19309
    • 49 Posts
    I just tried the whole tagging thing in Revo for the first time. To be exact, I rebuild some of the templates to use a tag TV instead of a TV which pulls its content from some resources (which acted as kind of tags or categories).

    While rebuilding the template for the page which displays all articles for a given tag, I came across the following problem:

    The old templated used a snippet call like this to show a paged article list:

    The PropertySet “MediathekPaging” contained some settings (like pageActiveTpl, pageNavOuterTpl etc.) to make the paging navigation look the way it should. Since I use these settings for all my paging navigations, a PropertySet prevents redundancy.

    After converting the above getPage snippet call into a getResourcesTag snippet call, everything worked, except that the settings of my PropertySet were not used. Because the documentation doesn’t tell anything about this, I simply tried, if one of the two guesses would work:
    [[!getResourcesTag@MediathekPaging? ... ]]

    [[!getResourcesTag? &grSnippet=`getPage@MediathekPaging` ... ]]

    Since both guesses didn’t work, I endet up, including the properties of the PropertySet directly in the snippet call:
       &pageActiveTpl=`<span class="current">[[+pageNo]]</span>`
       &pageNavTpl=`<a href="[[+href]]" class="page">[[+pageNo]]</a>`
       &pageNextTpl=`<a href="[[+href]]" class="next">vor</a>`
       &pagePrevTpl=`<a href="[[+href]]" class="prev">zurueck</a>`

    This produces the desired result. But I have to include all the properties in every getResourcesTag call and have no possibility to maintain them in a PropertySet.

    So my question is: Is it possible to use PropertySets with getResourcesTag at all?
      • 32678
      • 290 Posts
      Just ran into this and though this post is 2+ years old with no reply, thought I'd do so now simply to say that yes, you can use a property set with getResourcesTag.

      You cannot wrap this snippet in getPage, but it includes many of the same properties as getPage. Create a new property set within getResourcesTag and edit as needed.

      In my case, I wanted only certain page nav elements to appear, rather than the full list of what's available, so I have to create the outer tpl (which is not default property, for some reason) to include only the placeholders I wanted.