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    • 38561
    • 4 Posts
    I have installed Modx Revo 2.1.5 standard on xampp 1.7.3 with windows 7.
    I am a newbie in modx. No problem for installation.
    Sometimes Apache crashed, it was slow but I could test Modx Revo and create my little site with some personalization.
    I took the Modx Revo 2.2.0 pl2 standard. The installation was well passed but the administration part isn't good: ressources often doesn't appear, blank pages, dasboard and media sources doesn't work.
    I saw that there is problems with this configuration xampp and windows ...
    is there a possible patch ?
    I have to take a more recent version of xampp (1.7.4) ?
    will you have a future version for this configuration ?

    Thanks for this promising CMF/CMS open source and for your answer ?
    Best wishes.
    • Hi,

      And welcome!

      There are some things you will want to do to run MODX on xampp. I don't know if windows 7 is too much of a factor actually. I have a number of installs running on xampp with windows 7, various versions. It IS slow, yet with 2.2.x it's sped up quite a bit.

      See http://bobsguides.com/xampp.html for information about xampp installs. There's some configurin' to do.

      I believe you'll also have to enable cURL in \xampp\php\php.ini to get the package manager to work - (google cURL and xampp). Apache Friends has a list of file locations at the bottom of this page http://www.apachefriends.org/en/xampp-windows.html

      Also you'll want to verify that Apache, php, mySQL, and the manager's default_timezone settings (sytstem settings -> system and server) all have matching timezones set. See php.net/manual/en/timezones.php for a list of php timezones. Use the php timezone code for the MODX default_timezone setting. With a new xampp install you'll want to verify all the timezone settings throughout and set them for your location anyway.

      If I can remember anything else I'll post again (it's been a while, sorry).

        Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
        "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
        Having server issues? These guys have MODX Hosting perfected - SkyToaster
        • 38561
        • 4 Posts
        hi Frogabog,
        Thank you very much for your help,
        I have verified the points you have said me.
        LoadModule rewrite_module modules/mod_rewrite.so
        phpinfo said cURL was enabled
        Europe/Paris timezone for php.ini and French installation

        At the installation all the verifications done by modx are ok.
        Résumé de l'installation

        Tests de pré-installation passés avec succès. Cliquez sur Installer pour continuer.

        Vérification de la version de PHP: OK! Vous utilisez: 5.3.1

        Vérification de PHP pour la dépendance zlib: OK!

        Vérification de SimpleXML: OK!

        Vérification si la limite de mémoire est fixée au minimum à 24M: OK! Défini à 128M

        Vérification si les sessions sont correctement configurées: OK!

        Vérification de l'existence du répertoire bamodx/core/cache: OK!

        Vérification si le répertoire bamodx/core/cache est accessible en écriture: OK!

        Vérification de l'existence du répertoire bamodx/core/export: OK!

        Vérification si le répertoire bamodx/core/export est accessible en écriture: OK!

        Vérification de l'existence du répertoire bamodx/core/packages: OK!

        Vérification si le répertoire bamodx/core/packages est accessible en écriture: OK!

        Vérification si bamodx/core/config/config.inc.php existe et est accessible en écriture: OK!

        Création de la connexion à la base de données: OK!

        Vérification que safe_mode est désactivé: OK!

        Vérification de Suhosin:OK!

        connexion au manager
        affichage des ressources ok
        Tableau de bord gérez les configurations -> no response
        manager doesn't respond
        stop/start apache
        connexion to manager, apache troubles and then ressources doesn't appear
        I have previously noticed same troubles with outils -> media sources

        I have tried to install 2.2.0-pl2 as a new intallation without any components installed but i have also troubles

        • Is Apache running as a service? I recall having troubles getting it to automatically run as a service.

          And you did manually set the default_timezone in the manager, yes?

          You might also try disabling compress_css and compress_js in the manager (or table).

            Frogabog- MODX Websites in Portland Oregon
            "Do yourself a favor and get a copy of "MODX - The Official Guide" by Bob Ray. Read it.
            Having server issues? These guys have MODX Hosting perfected - SkyToaster
            • 38561
            • 4 Posts
            Is Apache running as a service? I recall having troubles getting it to automatically run as a service ?
            no i launch it by the xampp panel
            nd you did manually set the default_timezone in the manager, yes?
            No i don't know i have to do it because I give fr at the setup.
            I don't arrive to have system parameters with revo 2.2 pl2
            I reinstall 2.1.5 I initialize system parameter date_timezone to Europe/Paris
            I actualize with revo 2.2 pl2 and impossible to have system parameters ...
            You might also try disabling compress_css and compress_js in the manager (or table).
            WAOUH YES IT WORKS.

            Many many thanks