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    • 38361
    • 4 Posts
    Using Jason's instructions (http://forums.modx.com/thread/12721/memcached-and-modx?page=2#dis-post-409707) I've configured my MODx Revo 2.2.1 site to cache resources in memcached:

    — cache_resource_handler = "cache.xPDOMemCache"
    — resource_memcached_server = "memcache.tld:121212"

    With ~22,000 resources in our deployment, that appears to give a nice performance boost (but I haven't fully crunched the load testing stats yet). That brings us to my question:

    What other MODx entities besides 'resource' can I cache in memcached? Is there a comprehensive list of them somewhere, along with the configuration directives necessary to enable memcache for them?


    This question has been answered by opengeek. See the first response.

    • discuss.answer
      You can cache whatever partitions of the MODX cache you want to in memcached, but be aware that if something is larger than 1Mb, it will not be cached by memcached unless you have specifically configured memcached to allow larger cache entry sizes.

      The global cache configuration, determined by the cache_handler and cache_expires settings apply to all partitions by default, unless overridden by particular partitions. Each cache partition stores a particular part of the MODX cache and is identified by a key which identifies the cache provider instance responsible for that partition. The key for the cache partition responsible for Resources is called "resource", so any cache_resource_* Settings will override those set globally for that specific cache handler instance. Similarly, the Context Settings are stored in the context_settings partition, overridden by the cache_context_setting_* Settings.

      More information on these can be found here.
        • 38361
        • 4 Posts
        Thanks for the info! Your Confluence site is aptly named (RTFM.modx.com) tongue
          • 33968
          • 863 Posts
          With ~22,000 resources in our deployment, that appears to give a nice performance boost (but I haven't fully crunched the load testing stats yet).
          @adam - is there any chance you can post some rough figures when you get a moment? I have a steadily growing site that may need some serious caching improvements in the near future, keen to see how things went for you! Cheers