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    • 38475
    • 2 Posts
    Hi all!

    I thought, I understand the security concept with acl, roles, permissions and so on, so I tried it. Now seeing the result I m confused. What I got is not logical! For me ... wink Could someone help?

    I've setup a new context (called it test). I created a new group (called it editors), a new role (editor) with authority 5000. And - of course - a new user. The user get the role editor and was assigned to the editors-group.

    I edit the context mgr and add an new ACL:
    - group editors
    - min authority 9999*
    - ACLPolicy Adminsitrator*

    Now, my user can login into the manager. So far so good.

    But he/shw can't see the new context. Therefore I edit the new context "test" and add a new ACL:
    - group editors
    - min authority 9999*
    - ACLPolicy Adminsitrator*

    (* I used the policy "Administrator" and the 9999-Level for testing only. If all works fine, I change it to an editor policy.)

    If the new user logs into the manager, it looks fine. He/she can create a document and saves it. Also deleting is ok.

    BUT, if he clicks on the document and wants to edit it, an error is displayed "ERROR - no access!"

    And a BUT again: if he clicks on QUICK edit, the popup window appears and my user can (!) edit the data of this document - and save them!

    What is that?! Either I CAN edit or I caNT edit a document. But this mixup is confusing me.

    Where is my mistake? What is wrong?
    Any idea?

    Alwin [ed. note: alwinx last edited this post 12 years, 3 months ago.]
      • 38475
      • 2 Posts
      Yeah! I found a solution smiley

      For all the people having the same problem, here is what I ve done:

      I want grant access to only ONE context. My test context. The editor group should not see any other context (web, etc.). So I thought, I could ignore these contextes creating my ACL. But this is not correct!

      The web-context is very important!

      In the ACL I added the web context with the minimum role "editors" and the policy "load only".

      So now I've 3 entries:

      mgr - Editors/5000 - EditorPolicy
      test - Editors/5000 - EditorPolicy
      web - Editors/5000 - Load Only

      And than it works smiley
