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    I'm using the dob field to time a trial period.

    I need to use getCollection() (or getCollectionGraph() ) to get the username, fullname, and email address of users who are more than 14-days old. I'll also need a reference to the user object for those users.

    I could just get the modProfiles of users that meet the criteria and get the user objects with getObject(), then pull the fields directly with get(), but I suspect that a single query would be much faster.

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      • 33968
      • 863 Posts
      Hi Bob

      How about some variation of this?
      $time = time();  
      $datefilter = strtotime(date('Y-m-d', $time).' -2 weeks'); 
      $c = $modx->newQuery('modUser');
      $c->where(array('Profile.dob:lt' => $datefilter));
      $c->select(array('modUser.*, Profile.dob'));
      $users = $modx->getCollection('modUser', $c);