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    I use 3 categories -> 1 category must be edited by editors (in a user groupe called editors, with role = 10) and 2 categories can't be changed by editors.

    But, for the 2 categories I want them to ignore in element tree, I need the tv to be displayed when editing a document (in tv tab so).

    My question is : is there any way to prevent users to see certains categories in element tree and still make those tvs editable when editing document ?

    Hope I'm clear :p

    For now, editors are in a group called editors. I've created a new access policy based on AdministratorTemplate and checked all the stuff needed to edit profil + ressources + tv ... I thought the Load, List and View about tv could be used to show tv in document edition but I might miss something.

    Thank for any help smiley [ed. note: Perrine last edited this post 12 years, 3 months ago.]
      • 23050
      • 1,842 Posts
      Ok, I did it :p

      Using this tutorial : http://bobsguides.com/controlling-access-to-elements-in-the-manager.html (thanks Bob !)
      I can give some restricted rights to my editors. Then, I uncheck the "list" policy for EditorElement and you're done !

      Editors can now edit tv when editing a document, but don't list them in element tree.

      But I still don't understand why I have to add admin user in Editor Group... as I think that admin user gets all rights because it's in admininstrator group ? Plus, his role is 0 so he should herit the permissions from role 10, no ?

      Thanks for any explanation if one can smiley