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    I recently upgraded to 2.2 from 2.1.1 on my local host, but now I am quite freaked out about the task ahead of me because several of my sites make use of template variables for images, and all the paths are broken, I have read a bit on media sources, but I don't know how to set them.

    all file paths which were /assets/files/folder/image.jpg
    or now /files/folder/image.jpg

    when I set an image using a template variable, no problem, it shows, but now all the thousands upon thousands of images in older articles have to be reset manually, is there an easier way to fix the path so the images show up? Sorry if I am not making sense, I just don't quite understand the new documentation or how to probably set media source in manager>tools>media sources...it's been a very long night.

    any help, once again would be so very much appreciated.