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    • 136 Posts
    Working in Revolution 2.1.3-pl (traditional)

    I have some drop down TVs for elements on a page that the user can use to Show or Hide that section. There is a small menu on the page with some styles that will need to change based on what sections are shown or hidden. Really I just need to add a new CSS class definition to an element if another one is hidden.

    I've been trying to use the "and" output modifier to check two different drop down TVs, but I'm either doing it incorrectly or I need to just do it a completely different way. I'm thinking I need to do it a completely different way because my structure doesn't match up with the samples in the wiki.

    [[*showhidemassage:is=`show`:and=`*showhidehandsfeet`:is=`show`:then=`<li><a href="[[~[[*id]]]]#massage">masssage</a></li>`]]

    For this one, if showhidemassage and showhidehandsfeet (both are drop down TVs) are set to "show" I want it to show that list element.

    [[*showhidemassage:is=`show`:and=`*showhidehandsfeet`:is=`hide`:then=`<li><a class="p1" href="[[~[[*id]]]]#massage">masssage</a></li>`]]

    I also have ones like this, where if showhidemassage is set to "show", but showhidehandsfeet is set to "hide" it will display that list element (with the class on the anchor tag, to modify the style).

    The drop down TVs control a lot of other elements on the page, but this is what I'm stuck on. I've tried a few setups for the "and" statement, but none of them have worked, and some caused errors on the page:

    [[*showhidemassage:is=`show`:and=`+showhidehandsfeet`:is=`show`:then=`<li><a href="[[~[[*id]]]]#massage">masssage</a></li>`]]

    Using + instead of *, works the same as using a*.

    [[*showhidemassage:is=`show`:and*showhidehandsfeet:is=`show`:then=`<li><a href="[[~[[*id]]]]#massage">masssage</a></li>`]]

    Using no =`` to enclose the second TV name, causes errors on the page.

    Thank you to anyone who can point me in the right direction.