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    Imagine you have a tabbed content panel, much like this illustrated here http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex17/tabcontent.htm. You want to set the number of tabs and the content within each tab on a per resource basis.

    Envision the following:

    Edit a given resource. Set TV properties of said "tabbed content panel" where you would be presented with the following options:

    'How many tabs?' <numeric value entry>
    'Title of tab #1' <text entry for title>
    'Content of tab #1' <rich text editor for tab content #1>

    ... and so on, where the number of "tabbed content panel" TVs ('tab title' entry box, rich text editor for tabbed content, etc.) is enumerated/scaled on the spot from within/during the resource editing session.

    Firstly, to your understanding, is this at all possible without major hacking?
    Secondly, if so, what is the rough course of action I should take?



    Updated 02/27/12

    Ta da! I have answered my own question -- I knew all the while you believed in me ... Here it is:
    An addon called MIGX ( http://rtfm.modx.com/display/ADDON/MIGX ).
    It's pretty new, but looks good and works well. Called like so:

    [[!getImageList? &tvname=`TabContentPanel` &tpl=`TabContentPanelTpl`]]

    So we create MIGX TV (per rtfm) and we create a Tpl chunk for, in my case, an idividual tab. Note, when you create the MIGX TV, in JSON formatted code, you are also defining the "Frontend" placeholders for use within your Tpl chunk. Finally we place the above snippet, with the respective "tvname" and "tpl" into our template, or chunk.

    As you can see "!getImageList" suggests what this addon was likely developed for. In fact, I am now also using it to manage a homepage slider -- it's perfect ... This kind of TV should become a standard part of the MODx core. The JSON part I don't care for, but it's an excellent extension all said. [ed. note: jugsled last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]