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  • Hi,
    I'm looking for a way to reproduce the same effect of Gallery Item TV, but with source of image in the file manager.

    I mean, I'd like to let the user to choose as a tv an image with the filemanager,
    after that image has been choosen, the user should be able to resize, crop and so on with visual command.

    Can I try to modify the galleryitem.php file?
    Can I find somewhere a more detailed guide for custom input tv?

      TilliLab | MODX Ambassador
      • 11103
      • 5 Posts
      I have also been searching high and low for how to do this, or something similar: I am using getPage with getResources, where each retrieved resource displays its GalleryItem Custom TV. But I would like to use code similar to what I have posted below. I would like to have a Gallery Image thumbnail displayed and colorbox to launch when image is clicked. So how can I pass galleryItem_CustomTV, and not the id of such:
      <div id="cover_thumb" style="width:130px; height:195px;">
        [[!GalleryItem? &id=`[[+galleryItem_CustomTV]]`]]   
          <div class="image">
              <a class="marg_right1" href="[[!+galitem.image]]" rel="colorbox" title="[[+pagetitle]]">
                  <img data-href="[[!+galitem.thumbnail]]" class="[[+imgCls]]"  src="assets/images/system/loading-thumb.gif"   alt="[[+galitem.name]]" />
      	    <span class="font2 sg">[[+pagetitle]]</span>
      [ed. note: googolhz last edited this post 12 years, 2 months ago.]