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    • 21671
    • 244 Posts
    Hey all,

    I can't get any of the @bindings to process when creating a tv in evo 1.05. What is the simplest way to debug if they are working / processing or not? I have tried:
    @EVAL return "boo"; 
    both in the input options with no luck and also in the default value box. I created a text type TV, with
    @EVAL return "boo"; 
    in default value and when I go to edit the resource that has this tv tied to its template the output is[
    @EVAL return "boo"; 
    not "boo" as I would expect.

    PLease give advice and council because I really want to set up a drag and drop sortable sidebar manager to release to the community and this is totally bumming out my week...

      • 18373 ☆ A M B ☆
      • 3,141 Posts
      They should usually go into the default options box, and the resource shouldn't have had a value saved before. In other words - probably best to create a new TV with that as the default value. If you're using a select/checkbox one you should also be able to use it in the input options fields but you'll have to format it properly (field==value||other==value2) in that case.

      Beyond that - I really don't use Evo anymore so wont be able to assist further.
        Mark Hamstra • Developer spending his days working on Premium Extras and a MODX Site Dashboard with the ability to remotely upgrade MODX and extras to make the MODX world a little better.

        Tweet me @mark_hamstra, check my infrequent blog at markhamstra.com, my slightly more frequent ramblings at MODX.today or see code at Github.
        • 28042 ☆ A M B ☆
        • 24,524 Posts
        The default value is precisely what will appear in the field when editing a resource. The "boo" would appear in the page where you placed the TV's tag.
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          • 21671
          • 244 Posts
          Hey Mark,

          Thanks for your answers. I started disabling plugins and it looks like the culprit is tv_categorized_tabs. I always liked that plugin. Bummer. Once I disabled it, my custom tvs are displaying fine. Not really sure why yet. When The ondocformrender event is firing the plugin is pulling tvs and injecting them into new tv tab and it is not rendering the custom_tv s in the newly created tab.


            • 23610
            • 37 Posts
            Quote from: noahlearner at Dec 24, 2011, 12:06 AM
            Hey Mark,

            Thanks for your answers. I started disabling plugins and it looks like the culprit is tv_categorized_tabs.

            Pretty old thread but... I had similar issue with tv_categorized_tabs and multiTV Custom Input and I fixed it by editing line 244 in assets/plugins/tv_categorized_tabs/ondocformrender.phtml

            var elements = $ES('input,select,textarea', cols[1]);

            var elements = $ES('textarea,input,select', cols[1]);