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    • 38039
    • 4 Posts
    Greetings to everyone. I'm currently researching the potential of Modx(escaping from Drupal themeing complexity and general ill performance).
    I've started with a completely clean installation - running on localhost.
    Was surprised to find that when moving between manager sections, there is an average of 5-7 seconds loading time, before content is loaded; an additional 2-4 seconds to load js elements(sidebar).
    Results are only marginally better in 2.1.
    Is this what I should expect, or am I doing something wrong?

    This is a shock because I'm seeing 1-3 seconds(total) in ExpressionEngine and even Drupal is faster on the backend. Its a concern because it makes me wonder if this is the fate of all semi complex modx apps?

    BTW, I'm making measurements with Chromes developer tools. The results don't seem to depend on the state of the browser cache. Similar results also in FF8.

    Here is an example of a simple reload of the dashboard : http://i.imgur.com/4zldC.jpg
      • 28215
      • 4,149 Posts
      You definitely should not be getting ~4s+ times to load the PHP of a page. Can you give more information on your environment?
        shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
        • 38039
        • 4 Posts
        Standard XAMP setup ( PHP 5.3.5; Apache 2.2.17; MySQL 5.5.8 ) , xdebug enabled; Win7, Core 2 Duo 3Ghtz, 2GB Ram; nothing else using htdocs folder, no antivirus, no firewall.

          • 28215
          • 4,149 Posts
          - php.ini settings?
          - Any opcode caching (APC, eAccelerator)?
          - Any errors in core/cache/logs/error.log?
          - Any errors in apache/php error log?
          - suhosin? safe_mode?

          This is my load times *without* JS compression, which is slower than with compression: https://img.skitch.com/20111221-rtyyar2c7y1r2c89hu9819spme.jpg

          Which makes me think it's an environment issue. Also, was that only on the first load of the manager? It might run a bit slow on the first load as it generates all the cache files and compressed CSS/JS. It doesn't seem it from the screenshot you sent, but asking nonetheless.
            shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
            • 38039
            • 4 Posts
            - php.ini, core and Apache/PHP errors:
            Please find attached.
            (I've zipped them because modx-forum would not accept 2 of them directly)

            - Opcode caching

            -suhosin? safe_mode?
            I'm not sure how I should respond here.

            Yes, those are impressive results your getting - I hope your right about it being on my side; lots of things to like about modx.
            It wasn't the first run, however I had cleared the browser cache. Results don't vary much when this is not done. It is interesting however, that the manager [login] screen, while loading very slowly on first run, now loads in a fraction of a second.

            Btw, thanks for staying with me on this question spittingred.

            Edit: changed line to: ...that the manager [login] screen... [ed. note: ambimind last edited this post 12 years, 4 months ago.]
              • 28215
              • 4,149 Posts

              It wasn't the first run, however I had cleared the browser cache. Results don't vary much when this is not done. It is interesting however, that the manager screen, while loading very slowly on first run, now loads in a fraction of a second.
              So wait, I'm confused - it was slow on first load, but now it's loading fast? If so, that's expected - it has to generate the cache files and compress the CSS/JS.
                shaun mccormick | bigcommerce mgr of software engineering, former modx co-architect | github | splittingred.com
                • 38039
                • 4 Posts
                The login screen was slow on first run, after it loaded faster.
                The manager pages(after login), were slow the first time and are still slow - regardless of the state of browser or modx cache.

                Fixed the omission of the word "login" from my previous post, which caused your confusion - my apologies. [ed. note: ambimind last edited this post 12 years, 4 months ago.]