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  • Just getting started learning Revo, and have been terrified of meddling with the permissions up to this point. Now, what I'd like to do is to create a user that only has access to the Articles manager, nothing else in the Manager. Can this be done? Will this be a bad place to try to start learning about the Revo permissions system?
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      • 7455
      • 2,204 Posts
      I was also wondering if Articles could be limited vor editors, they do not have to see the part of the acticles settings only the bottompart where you can edit and add new documents.

      I do not want my client to see all that
        follow me on twitter: @dimmy01
        • 27106
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        +1 for this question.
          David Walker
          Principal, Shorewalker DMS
          Phone: 03 8899 7790
          Mobile: 0407 133 020
          • 23299
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          Any more insight into Susan's great question here?
            • 33401
            • 13 Posts
            For me, I want to limited blog post . Eg .. I limited blog post to 10 . In front end , I used ditto to limit display. But in back end , I can't limited it and is there a solution for it ? I only want my blog post count to 10.

            I am from myanmar and sorry for my english.
              • 33974
              • 156 Posts
              This is not quite easy.
              You have to create resource groups for the Articles container and the other resources. Then specify a user group, set up its permissions, limit to the resource group and flush sessions. Then try if it works and if you're lucky it would.

              @zawlinoo: Not possible IMO without going into Database and edit the resource groups, access permissions in resource etc manually as Articles hide its children from tree. I'm also not sure if it would work with my mentioned DB-"hack".