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    • 29902
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    The website I am currently working on there are around 19 different usergroups and each of them should only be able to see and use their own picture/file folder. Is there a way to give the usergroup access to only one folder like you can with resources?
      ...I believed it was Friday...
      • 4172
      • 5,888 Posts
      in revo 2.2 there are mediasources.
      If I'm right, I think you need to create a mediasource for each usergroup and give each mediagroup access-permissions for there usergoup.

      I would like to have more dynamic pathes, where we can have placeholders, snippets, chunks in the pathes.

      filemanager_path: assets/images/[[!getGroupPath]]/
      base_path: assets/images/
      base_url: assets/images/

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        • 3749
        • 24,544 Posts
        You can create a filemanager_path user setting for each user, but there's no way at present to do it by group.

        You could write a utility snippet that created the user settings for each member of each group.
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