Why isn't it showing any results?
On productpages:
<p>Wishlist: [[!addToCookieList? &addText=`Add` &removeText=`Remove` &value=`[[*id]]`]]
When I check my browser cookies they look oké to me.
On my wishlist page:
Chunk wish-list:
<p>test: [[+pagetitle]]</a>
Doesn't matter what I try, It keeps being empty, even after using basic calls.
There must be a friendly url bug? It did something when setting friendly url off but not the way it should work. Did see 1 result but where should have been more, removing wasn't possible. Anyway I need it to work with Friendly url on. Anyone got it working?
[ed. note: fourroses666 last edited this post 11 years, 11 months ago.]