I'm working on a 3PC for one of my clients and I'd like them to have the ability to select an image via the resource browser in the frontend of the site.
Is this a possibility with MODX Revo 2.1.3?
I used to be able to do it like this in Evo...
<!-- File Browser -->
<script type="text/javascript">
function OpenServerBrowser(url, width, height ) {
var iLeft = (screen.width - width) / 2 ;
var iTop = (screen.height - height) / 2 ;
var sOptions = 'toolbar=no,status=no,resizable=yes,dependent=yes' ;
sOptions += ',width=' + width ;
sOptions += ',height=' + height ;
sOptions += ',left=' + iLeft ;
sOptions += ',top=' + iTop ;
var oWindow = window.open( url, 'FCKBrowseWindow', sOptions ) ;
function BrowseServer() {
var w = screen.width * 0.7;
var h = screen.height * 0.7;
OpenServerBrowser('/manager/media/browser/mcpuk/browser.html?Type=images&Connector=/manager/media/browser/mcpuk/connectors/php/connector.php&ServerPath=/home/westpos0/public_html/assets/', w, h);
function SetUrl(url, width, height, alt){
document.getElementById('evImg').value = url;
Thanks for any advice!