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  • Basically we have a website which will need to have content updated in Russian.

    I am able to update it and the characters display well on the website. However, in the back-end the characters only display where there are Rich-Text Fields. Obviously the user would need to see the actual Russian character and not their corresponding ASCII Code.

    So for example "Название испытания" (which means Test Title) would show on the actual website, but in the back-end, both in the site tree and in the Page Title Field, would show as: "& #1053;& #1072;& #1079;& #1074;& #1072;& #1085;& #1080;& #1077; & #1080;& #1089;п& #1099;& #1090;& #1072;& #1085;& #1080;& #1103;". (I added a space manually between each & and # because otherwise the page would display them as the proper Russian characters).

    I have attached an image to highlight the above problem.

    How can this be solved?
      Steven James McLean
      Tech Lead
      • 3749
      • 24,544 Posts
      Check the DB in PhpMyAdmin and make sure that the DB, all tables, and all text fields within the tables are in the same character set used by the Manager (set in core/config/config.inc.php in Revolution -- manager/includes/config.inc.php in Evolution).

      If not, see this: http://bobsguides.com/convert-db-utf8.html
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      • Hi Bob,

        I have tried the above, but it has not solved the problem. The characters are being stored in Russian format in the database, but they are again being displayed as ASCII characters as above in ModX.

        Is there perhaps a way of editing the ModX manager php files to encode them and display in Russian in the ModX Manager?
          Steven James McLean
          Tech Lead
          • 3749
          • 24,544 Posts
          I thought it would just work as is. Are you specifying UTF-8 as the character set in config.inc.php and in the modx_charset system setting?

          Try deleting all files in the core/cache directory and clearing your browser cache.

          Is UTF-8 showing up as the charset specified in the <head> section when you do a "view source" of the Manager page?
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          • Thanks for this. modx_charset utf-8 solved it for me.
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