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    • 36946
    • 4 Posts
    I'm using Revo 2.1.3
    I've installed googlemapstv 1.0

    It seems to be working fine for Firefox but with IE 7,8 or 9 there is no map. If I run IE debugbar. I get an error message that says Line: 123 Character: 13 Code: 0 Error Message: Object doesn't support this property or method. Doesn't help.

    I've unstalled and reinstalled with the same problem.

    One odd behavior issue is that I can't save the Output Options in the tv I created for goooglemapstv. They "take" in that the changes I make and save actually take effect but they don't change on the Output Options screen.

    Any ideas? Feels like an IE compatibility issue.

    HTML code rendered by viewing source follows:
    <div class="gmaptv" style="width: 275; height: 400px">
    <div class="gmaptv-map" id="tvgmap5" style="width: 275px; height: 400px;"></div>
    <br style="clear: both;" /></div>

    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://maps.google.com/maps?file=api&v=2&key=ABQIAAAAJGYlT20RRsNzTKVv7LtvBhQM2gSV8EG6oRKkpWMFL4KeS9N-MhRIR261pTiKI-7SXoNWJql7xomVxx&hl=en"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript" src="/NEW/assets/components/googlemapstv/gtv.js"></script>
    <script type="text/javascript">
    // <![CDATA[
    window.onload = function() {GTV.createMap({"class":"gmaptv","zoom":15,"controls":["GLargeMapControl3D"],"infoWindow":0,"search":0,"labelControl":0,"traffic":0,"customIcon":0,"iconImage":0,"streetview":0,"streetviewHeight":300,"streetviewYa":"5","streetviewPitch":0,"streetviewUserPhotos":0,"ads":0,"adsMaxOnMap":2,"adsPublisher":0,"avoidHighways":0,"language":"en","directionsWidth":300,"directions":false,"el":"tvgmap5","address":"700 Richmond Street London Ontario N6A5C7"});}
    window.onunload = GUnload;
    // ]]>
      • 36946
      • 4 Posts
      Oops - didn't realize I couldn't post code sample here. I've attached as txt file.